Monday, August 25, 2008

The Reformed Remnant is up!

Welcome to "The Reformed Remnant." The intent of this blog is to discuss various events, ideas, perspectives, and other topics from a Reformed, Christian perspective.

So what does the title of the blog mean, anyway?

The first term, "Reformed," as it applies to Christianity, originated from the Protestant Reformation of the 1500's, particularly through several notable scholars who eventually separated from the Roman Catholic church. There will assuredly be more on this soon.

The second term, "Remnant," is a little more fun. Let's start with Mirriam-Webster's first-listed definition of its meaning:

1 a: a usually small part, member, or trace remaining
b: a small surviving group —often used in plural

So what's the point?

With the rise of Secular Humanism in our Post-Modernistic society, there has been a move from absolute truth to moral relativism. Some churches, in a sincere effort to remain culturally-relevant, have reformatted their entire church in order to suit the masses, with mixed results. While I applaud their efforts to provide a seductive, seeker-friendly environment, I must wonder what kind of compromises are being made in order to do so. The very definition, sometimes labeled as the Emergent Church, is subjective ... so every church out there may be different.

On the other hand, I myself have seen far too many "traditional" churches that are completely unwilling to change, and yet wonder why their attendance drops week after week until it's time to close their doors permanently. They had forgotten that their 16th-century services were once contemporary themselves, back in the time of their conceptions. While I can appreciate the beauty of their theologically-deep, melodic hymns, and their accompanying pipe organs, it's certainly not what's being played on the radio, and at times can be hard to really connect with.

It is our belief that neither extreme is true to what the true church really is, a living organism that survives on God's eternal, unchanging Word. The side of tradition is dying, and the side of cultural-relevance is compromised, leaving few of us willing to find a balance between the two ... hence the term "Remnant."

Regardless, we hope that, whether you agree or disagree, you will enjoy and be challenged by our various discussions, rants, raves, and whatever else we can come up with!

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